In 1944, American forces began their successful invasion of Saipan (sy-PAN’) during World War II. In 1938, Johnny Vander Meer pitched his second consecutive no-hitter, leading the Cincinnati Reds to a 6-0 victory over the Brooklyn Dodgers in the first night game at Ebbets Field, four days after leaving the Boston Bees hitless by a score of 3-0. Army in the event of war or national emergency. Roosevelt signed an act making the National Guard part of the U.S. In 1904, more than 1,000 people died when fire erupted aboard the steamboat General Slocum in New York’s East River. In 1878, World’s first moving pictures caught on camera (used 12 cameras, each taking 1 picture) done to see if all 4 of a horse’s hooves leave the ground Stanton signed an order establishing a military burial ground which became Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. In 1215, England’s King John put his seal to Magna Carta (“the Great Charter”) at Runnymede. On June 15, 1775, the Second Continental Congress voted unanimously to appoint George Washington head of the Continental Army.